
Looking to make the most out of life and bringing those who choose to come along with me.

work with me

a follower of god and soul-care coach

I’m a woman who is full of power and wonder. I bring brightness to people. I make people feel heard and seen. I am full of purpose. God’s love is shining through me. I love deeply. I am a loving confronter desiring the growth in people through hard and easy conversations. I embody the beauty and peace of the sunset and the joy and newness of the sunrise. I am full of the Holy Spirit and I hold space for others to experience His healing presence. 

I have coached and created a safe space for women and men for over 5 years. I'm a believer in "practice what you preach", so I continue to immerse myself in programs to develop my own soul and add more tools to my repertoire. I love on my clients and push them forward into healing. I challenge to bring a shift in their life that is deeply desired.

This passion developed out of my own story. A story wrapped up in promiscuity, porn, worthlessness, pain, depression and any other word that tells me I'm not valuable. I was in depths amount of pain that I pushed so far down I was completely unaware. The underlying pain was my normal way of life where I was reactive and unable to control any emotion.

I started coaching because I didn't want other women to feel the pain that I felt and I know so many do. To my surprise, learning to coach was more about my own journey to healing. The more I heal, the more I learn and am able to share with my clients ways to personally grow and develop in their own life. This is my purpose, this is what I am here for. 

Hi! I am Alex Lea

Healing is a daily choice.

Choose the healing journey.
Choose to receive the healing.

favorite places i've been:

El Salvador

i live for traveling

such as: 

eaten snake and alligator 
colored my whole head red for 4 years
rode a bike zip line

I like to try new things

you should also know: 

mornings are my favorite time of day
especially with a cup of coffee
a good gluten free pizza makes me happy

i am the youngest child

You Should Know...


let's experience healing